Our Kindergarten program, Learning-to Read, a phonics-based program, equips children with a strong foundation for their coming years of education. Your child will know how to read and write with confidence,
1st-12th grade- Because GLCA is focused on individualized self-paced learning, unlike some learning system, we leverage on using the textbook style both for our Workbook Program and Online Program, for online Program we offer ePACEs. Our textbooks are divided into bite-sized, achievable workbooks. Each workbook is similar to a unit in a textbook. Each level consists of 12 workbooks in each subject. It is individualized, self-instructional, and a mastery-based approach. The workbooks allow the students to absorb subject material according to their own learning ability rather than being pushed forward or held back by their age.
1st-5th grade courses.
12 Word Building Workbooks
12 Science Workbooks,
12 Social Studies Workbooks,
12 Math Workbooks,
12 English Workbooks.
12 Animal Science Workbooks, (level 2)
12 Workbook, Bible Reading (Level 5) Each Workbook has a set goal.