The A.C.E. (Accelerated Christian Education) program offers you an academic curriculum that includes skill building, goal setting, reading practice, and character building—all with strong Biblical integration! This complete package begins with reading development courses and progresses through high school with the core curriculum and a variety of electives.
A.C.E.'s self-instructional PACEs (PACKETS OF ACCELERATED CHRISTIAN EDUCATION) allow your students to learn with minimal supervision. Each core subject consists of 12 PACEs per level. However, students are not locked-stepped by these levels. Students who are more skilled may accelerate in their areas of academic strength, while those who find the material more challenging may take as long as necessary to complete it. Each student, while working at his own level of proficiency, will master the material.
What is a PACE?
Accelerated Christian Education® has taken the conventional style textbook and divided it into bite-sized, achievable worktexts called PACEs. Each PACE is similar to a unit in a textbook. Each level consists of 12 PACEs in each subject. PACEs integrate Godly character-building lessons into the academic content, and self-instructional activities are carefully designed to develop thinking skills and create mastery learning.
A.C.E. stands out from other curriculum providers with its individualized, self-instructional, mastery-based approach. With minimal assistance, PACEs allow students to absorb subject material according to their own learning ability rather than being pushed forward or held back by their age. For instance, a student placed in the fifth grade by a conventional school may be taking PACEs in Level 4 math, Level 5 science, and Level 5 English in the A.C.E. program. Students may move ahead in some subject areas and proceed at a slower pace in others.
What's Inside A Pace
Students begin their PACE work by noting their goals, the concepts they will learn, a Bible verse, and a corresponding character trait. From the beginning of each PACE, they know what is expected and assume the responsibility for their own learning!
Throughout the curriculum, the introduction of new vocabulary words is computer controlled so that no new vocabulary word is used without the student first learning its meaning and pronunciation. Also, these words are repeated to ensure mastery.
Explanations and illustrations add excitement to each lesson, and innovative learning activities reinforce the text material
Each PACE contains several Checkups, which are quizzes covering a section of the PACE. If mastery in an area is not achieved, the Checkup will reveal that weak area. Students can then take the time necessary to review and learn those concepts before proceeding to the next section
Upon completion of the activities and Checkups, students prepare to take the Self Test. Here students evaluate themselves, and a supervisor/tutor determines readiness for the final PACE Test. When the Self Test is successfully completed, the student turns in the PACE and takes the PACE Test the next school morning. The PACE Test objectively measures student mastery of the material.
The ACE Program vs Public Education